We all know that to be able to achieve something, we needs to set goals. When it comes to trying to lose a few kilos, simply saying I would like to be 5 kilos lighter is not good enough.
I would recommend the first step being to set some goals of behaviour change that are achievable and sustainable, small ones that are not overly ambitious.
Weight gain and weight loss is a simple balance sum. If you lose 10g a day (achieve by anyone’s definition), you will lose 1kg in 100 days, the same with weight gain.
The three main areas a weight loss can be achieved without involving medical procedures:
- Diet
- Exercise
- Supplements
Some ‘not so hard’ behaviour change examples:
- Diet: Instead of eating dessert every day after dinner, reduce it to once every second day; instead of buy high energy take away lunch, pack yourself a salad/tuna lunch every second day, combined with a small treat to reward yourself.
- Exercise: Instead of being driven to the station to go to work, walk or park the car further away from the station; if at home, walk to the local shops or post office instead of driving. (I personal love bikes, time saving and exercise at the same time.)
- Supplements: natural supplements PROVEN to be effective are highly recommended. Because I am a tea lover, tea drinking to me is a must try. (We will publish a separate blog shortly on how to use different teas to assist in weight loss.)
It is obvious that all above changes are highly individual. The main target should be taking small, but achievable steps and follow them through. These steps hopefully will become habit changes of your lifestyle and here to stay. A negative weight balance not matter how small will eventually take you to your ultimate goal of weight loss.
To be avoided:
vigorous work outs that produce hunger and bigger appetite. The worst possible outcome of this is to lose your muscle mass and replace it by fat once this unsustainable regime has stopped.
A repeatedly inflated and deflated balloon is not anyone’s desire.